Haitham Besmar

Living Waters Church

Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel

“Tuesday Night
Live in Jerusalem”

Rabbi Moshe & Leah Goldsmith

Mayor of Itamar, Israel

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

Ohr Torah Stone

Randy Neal

Western Regional Coordinator for CUFI

Rev. Sam Clarke

Proclaiming Justice to the Nations

Rico Cortes

Wisdom in Torah Ministries

Sgt Benjamin Anthony

Our Soldiers Speak

Wilkes, Robert

StandWithUs Northwest Speakers

Valerie Moody

Author, Artist & Speaker

Toby Janicki

Teacher & Writer

Ted Pearce

Singer ~ Songwriter ~ Guitarist

Gideon Lustig

Israeli Diplomat

Gofstein, Tamir

StandWithUs Northwest Sheliachs

Sondra Baras

Christian Friends of Israel Communities (CFOIC) Heartland

Rik Wadge

God’s Learning Channel

Major Elliot Chodoff

Mideast on Target

Rabbi Daniel Lapin

American Alliance of Jews & Christians

Rabbi Chaim Richman

The Temple Institute

Rabbi Ari Abramowitz

“Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem”

Paul Wilbur

Singer / Speaker

Pastor John Hagee

Author & Pastor of Cornerstone Church

Noam Bedein

Founder Sderot Media Center

Nevet Basker

Broader View

Mike Cohen

Eretz Hemdah Institute

Mazzig, Hen

StandWithUs Northwest Sheliachs

Limor Livnat

Former Culture and Sports Minister for Israel

Greg Silverman

Choral Conductor / Messianic Recording Artist

Irving Roth

Auschwitz & Buchenwald Survivor

Jacob Shrybman

Sderot Media Center

Jacobs, Rob

StandWithUs Northwest Speakers

Joseph Farah

CEO of World Net Daily (WND)

Kasim Hafeez

Outreach Coordinator Christians United for Israel (CUFI)

Lars Enarson

The Watchman International

Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Proclaiming Justice to the Nations

Art Matthias

Wellsprings Ministries

Aaron, Joshua

Worship In Israel

Avi Lipkin


Bar-Yoshafat, Ran

StandWithUs Northwest Sheliachs

Bill Cloud

Shoreshim Ministries

Boaz Michael

President & Founder of FFOZ

Brad Scott

Wildbranch Ministry

Brigitte Gabriel

ACT for America

Danny Ben-Gigi

Hebrew World

David Nekrutman

Executive Director for the Center for
Jewish-Christian Understanding & Cooperation

David Rubin

Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund (SICF)

Dimitri & Katerina Petrovsky

Concert Performers

Dr Benny Prasad


Dr. Dinah Dye

Foundations in Torah

Dr. Frank Seekins

Founder – Hebrew Word Pictures

Dr. Maurice Sklar

World Famous Violinist

Dr. Walter Fletcher

Walter Fletcher

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2008
Sumner, WA 98390

(253) 862-8010


Mon-Thurs 9:30am to 4:00pm (PDT)
Friday 9:30am to 2:00pm (PDT)

Service Info

El Shaddai Ministries Office
1231 Fryar Ave
Sumner, WA 98390

First Teaching | 9:00am- 11:15a

Transition | 11:15am- 11:45am

Second Teaching | 11:45am- 2:00pm
(Spanish & Russian Translations available)
(Children's & Teen Classes available)